Realmportal Rules:
▣ 1: Keep it PG-13
No NSFW, vulgar or obscene words/subjects
Do not attempt to bypass filters. Do not swear at others
This includes but is not limited to: chat, nicknames, signs and books
▣ 2: No griefing, raiding or stealing
Do not add, remove or alter structures, chests, farms etc
that you do not own, or have it's owner's permission to do so
If you are unsure if something is owned, ask a staff member
▣ 3: No harassment
Do not bully, harass, threaten, personally attack others or spread rumors
▣ 4: Do not cheat
Some examples are hacked clients, xray, boosting, glitch or bug abuse or any other tools, mods
or utilities intended to give you an unfair advantage
▣ 5: No spam
Do not flood chat with random characters, repeatedly send the same or similar messages.
Don't advertise other servers, communities, products or services
▣ 6: No PvP outside of areas specifically designated for PvP
Although keep inventory is on in these optional areas. Realmportal staff are NOT RESPONSIBLE for lost or broken
items as a result of entering or using a PvP designated area
▣ 7: Use common sense
If you question whether something breaks the rules or not, You probably shouldn't do it
If most communities would disallow something we likley do as well. Consider asking staff about it before doing it.
▣ 8: Staff have final say.
There are no loopholes